About Elsaco
Elsaco Companies
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Elsaco Electronic
41A Pacea Str.
710 013, Botoșani
RomâniaTel. +40 231 507 060
Fax: +40 231 532 905
Case studies
Combined Heat and Power
Project implementation at the source CET Oradea
Type of project | Environmental project |
Customer | Oradea Municipality |
Period | 2014 — 2016 |
The project scope was the rehabilitation and modernization of the district heating system of Oradea in order to comply with the environmental legislation and to increase energy efficiency.
Elsaco provided:
– project management;
– design for Technical Documentation for Building Permits (D.T.A.C.);
– technical project;
– site organization;
– demolition and construction works;
– procurement of equipment and materials;
– equipment fitting;
– mechanical and electrical equipment;
– automation systems;
– training for the operating personnel.
The equipment and technological systems used were as follows:
– 1 gas turbine 45 MWe
– 1 recovery heat boiler 50 MWt
– 2 hot water boilers 116.3 MWt
– 1 saturated steam boiler 12 t/h
– 1 chemical water treatment plant
– 1 wastewater treatment plant
– 1 power station with CLU
– 1 natural gas power station
– heat exchangers
– degassor, expander
– electric pumps for heating, water, etc.
– compressors and air fans
– valves and other fittings
– valves with pneumatic/electric actioning
– process instrumentation
– Medium Voltage electric cells
– power transformers
– Medium Voltage switchboards
– Low Voltage switchboards
– SCADA/DCS system
Chimcomplex – Borzești, Onești
Project title | Cogeneration installation II – project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Sectoral Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”, Priority Axis 4. |
Client | SC Chimcomplex SA Borzești |
Period | 2014 – 2015 |
The project implied the acquisition, the fitting and commissioning of the cogeneration installation.
Elsaco Electronic, as General Contractor designed and executed the following works:
- integrated technological solution;
- technological equipment gas turbine and generator;
- automation and control equipment for the gas turbine and the generator;
- technological equipment recovery boiler;
- automation and control equipment for the recovery boiler;
- gas supply installations;
- pressure booster system installation – Gas Compressor;
- compressed air system – Air Compressor;
- water cooling installation;
- SCADA monitoring equipment (servers, PC stations, counters);
- electrical installations at Low Voltage (AC and DC);
- electrical installation at Medium Voltage including transformation station;
Once with the reception of the work began to unfold the maintenance contract, which includes: periodic borescope inspections and general revisions.
Project implementation in CET Botosani source under the Project “Renovation of district heating in Botosani Municipality throughout 2009-2028 period in order to comply with environmental legislation and increase energy efficiency”
Consortium: Elsaco Electronic S.R.L. – Electro Alfa International S.R.L.
Type of project | Environmental project |
Customer | Botosani Municipality |
Period | 2011 — 2013 |
The overall objective of this project was to reduce the negative impact of pollutant emissions, and minimize the effects of climate change caused by the centralized heat supply. The aim was to improve the health of the population in Botosani by 2015, in line with the environmental obligations set by the Treaty of Accession.
The strategic objective of the project was to provide a sustainable and cost-effective heating system for the population of Botosani City.
The project consisted in investments to renovate the existing thermal power plant and heat supply networks, in order to decrease pollutant emission levels and improve energy efficiency of the heating system.
The works focused on equipment and facilities of the energy source.
The new power and heat generation source contains:
- Combustion engines (2 x 4MWe) – new installations
- Hot water boilers (2 x 52 MWt (45 Gcal/h)) – new installations
Combined cycle of 14 MWT, auxiliary boilers, adapting the heating and mechanical diagram of CET 1 Chimiei, Bacau (CET 1 = district heating operator) – design, construction and commissioning works.
Consortium: Elsaco Electronic S.R.L. – Kawasaki Gas Turbine GmbH – Branpis S.R.L.
Type of project | Environmental project |
Customer | Bacau Municipality |
Period | 2011 — 2013 |
The objective of Bacău district heating project was to propose an investment program in accordance with the environmental obligations set out in the Accession Treaty and the objectives of national energy and heat supply strategies and policies – increase energy efficiency, fuel flexibility, and security of heat supply.
Modernization of heat production and distribution throughout the residential complex of Dambu Pietros – cogeneration stage
Type of project | Energy and Environment |
Client | SC Energomur SA |
Period | 2008-2010 |
The cogeneration power plant was designed for combined heat and power and includes:
- two engines of 600 kW with associated hot and cold water circuits;
- ventilation systems;
- soundproofing, smoke detectors, alarm, automation systems, gas ramps, hot water storage tank.
Modernization of heat production and distribution has been done by performing in Heating Station No. 2 a cogeneration plant that produces, by means of cogeneration units, primary heat transfer medium necessary for the preparation of hot water and electricity that will be supplied to the National Energy System.
Environmental technologies
New desulfurization installation (DeSOx) in CET 2 Iași
Project title | New desulfurization installation (DeSOx) in CET 2 Iași |
Beneficiary | Iași Municipality |
DH Operator | Veolia Energie Iași S.A. |
Period | 2014 – 2016 |
Value | 21.596.814 euro |
The project aimed to achieve a flue gas desulfurization installation for the retrofit steam boiler (IMA4) from CET 2 Iași in order to frame the sulfur dioxide emissions (SO2) within the limits set by the environmental standards.
The main objective of the project was and is to ensure, through this desulfurization installation, the compliance to the European environmental standards, a critical aspect for the Iași heating station in order to obtain the function license, on the one hand, and to reduce the production costs, on the other hand.
The investment implementation seeked to reduce the sulfur emissions in the atmosphere, in order to increase energy efficiency in the heating.
Electronic Elsaco, as Contractor, implemented and commissioned successfully and timely the investment, during the Performance Tests made in mid April 2016 being obtained excellent results for the guaranteed parameters.
Within the project Elsaco provided:
– general services (surveys, As-built documentations, operation and maintenance manuals);
– design and engineering services;
– construction works and associated services;
– mechanical, electrical and automation installations;
– installation of fire detection, access control;
– spare parts for 2 years;
– commissioning, Beneficiary staff training, Performance Tests.
Heating systems
Rehabilitation of the primary thermal networks / transport of thermal energy in Constanţa – Stage I
Project title | “Rehabilitation of the primary thermal networks / transport of thermal energy in Constanța – Stage I” |
Beneficiary | Constanța Municipality |
Duration | 2022-2023 |
Value | 103 million lei, without VAT |
• rehabilitation of 22 km of route belonging to the first major pipeline, as well as the connecting strap between the two major pipelines.
Key elements:
• increasing the length of the rehabilitated primary thermal networks by 43 km rehabilitated primary thermal network (22 km route);
• reduction of thermal energy losses in transmission networks by 42.311 Gcal / year (177.15 TJ/year);
• reduction of polluting emissions produced by the district heating system in Constanța.
Rehabilitation of the centralized heat supply system in Vatra Dornei – Stage II
Project title | “Rehabilitation of the centralized heat supply system in Vatra Dornei – Stage II” |
Beneficiary | Vatra Dornei Municipality |
Duration | 2021-2023 |
Value | 54 million lei, without VAT |
• obtaining permits and authorizations, preparation of documentation for obtaining the Building Permit, the Technical Project, the Execution Details;
• rehabilitation and extension of the secondary thermal networks;
• rehabilitation and extension of the primary thermal networks in the Unirii street area: installation of pre-insulated pipes, 58 thermal mini-points, rehabilitation of the connection sections to the primary thermal network for 6 thermal points, replacement / installation of valves;
• rehabilitation of 6 thermal points: construction, thermomechanical electrical and automation works.
• purchase of materials and equipment; execution of works; testing and commissioning (PIF);
Key elements:
• the old distribution pipes of the secondary thermal agent will be replaced with pre-insulated pipes, provided with a monitoring / fault signaling system, in the thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam;
• in the thermal point are also installed the central units related to the leakage detection system through pipes for the secondary thermal network and for the sections of the primary thermal network, which will be provided with the possibility of remote data transmission.
Secondary thermal network rehabilitation – Timișoara
Project title | Refurbishment of the centralized heating system in the Municipality of Timișoara in order to comply with the environmental protection rules regarding pollutant emissions in the air and to increase the efficiency in the supply of urban heat – Stage II – Lot 2: Rehabilitation of 20,095 km of secondary heat network route |
Beneficiary | Timișoara Municipality |
Duration | 2020-2022 |
Value | 61.4 million lei, without VAT |
Role | Leader of association |
• design of secondary thermal networks in length of approx. 20 km;
• thermomechanical works to replace pipes (round-trip heating, domestic hot water, domestic hot water recirculation) located underground in thermal channels with pre-insulated pipes;
Key elements:
• making the heating system more efficient:
o reduction of network losses;
an increase in the detection speed and the accuracy of locating faults in the network;
o reduction of network maintenance and operation costs;
• reducing the negative effect on the environment and the health of the inhabitants by: reducing the amount of emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, as a result of the reduction of fuel consumption.
Modernization of thermal power plant Caporal Bălan
Project title | Modernization of thermal power plant Caporal Bălan |
Beneficiary | RADET |
Duration | 2019-2022 |
Value | 2.7 million lei, without VAT |
Role | Leader of association |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic performed:
• technical design and assistance (technical documentation necessary to obtain approvals / agreements / authorizations, technical design and execution details, technical quality check of the technical design and execution details;
• technical documentation and works at TP Caporal Bălan in order to obtain ISCIR boiler operation authorization;
• equipment acquisition and installation (boilers, chimney, pumps, expansion module, softening station, heat exchanger, storage vessel, fan, counters, valves, transducers, sensors, detectors, automation system);
• execution and commissioning works (thermal and sanitary installations, electrical and automation installations, metering facilities, natural gas installations, emissions and seismic detection, gas channels and chimneys);
• technical assistance works;
• preparation of AS-BUILT documentation;
• drawing up a technical building book.
Thermal networks – Tulcea Municipality
Project title | “Rehabilitation of the primary heating network between the western district and the CAF 50 Gcal/h Tulcea Municipality” |
Beneficiary | Tulcea Municipality |
Duration | 2019-2021 |
Value | 11.4 million lei |
Within the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
- works to replace 1.183 m round-trip heating network route (2 x 1.183m with DN600 / 800), including:
– supply of insulated pipes and pipe elements;
– decommissioning of existing district heating / thermal pipelines;
– demolition of fixed points / existing concrete supports, consolidation of existing studs;
– decommissioning / rehabilitation of existing inspection chambers / execution of new concrete inspection chambers;
– diversion of natural gas network;
– installation of new insulated pipes and piping elements in the thermal / buried channel or
above ground;
– supply and installation of DN600 faucets with electric drive (4 pcs) + food cabinets
– restoration of road system on the affected routes. - new connection works: 370m round-trip heating network (2 x 370m with DN50 / 125) including:
– supply of insulated pipes and pipe elements;
– buried installation of new insulated pipes and pipe elements;
– execution of new concrete fireplaces;
– restoration of road system on the affected routes.
Thermal networks – Focșani Municipality
Project title | “Design and execution of the thermal transport and distribution networks and the thermal points” within the project “Rehabilitation of the urban heating system at the level of Focșani for the period 2009-2028 in order to comply with the environmental legislation and increase energy efficiency” Stage II |
Beneficiary | Focșani Municipality |
Duration | 2019-2021 |
Value | 55 million lei |
The rehabilitation works carried out by Elsaco Electronic have been realized by the use of new technologies which leaded to an increase of energy efficiency, in the process of delivery of the thermal agent at the necessary quantitative and qualitative parameters and with a minimum impact on the environment, by reducing the quantity of pollutants.
The object of the contract has been represented by:
– technical project with execution details and documentation for the Construction Authorization;
– execution of works and commissioning of installations:
• rehabilitation of 2.8 km thermal transport network with dimensions from Dn 700 to Dn 100;
• rehabilitation of 11 km thermal distribution network with dimensions from Dn 125 to Dn 25;
• rehabilitation of constructions, thermomechanical and automation works for 9 Thermal Points.
Insulation restoring for master connection 2xDN1100
Project title | Insulation restoring for master connection 2xDN1100 |
Beneficiary | Iași Municipality |
Duration | 2017-2021 |
Value | 29 million lei, without VAT |
Role | Leader of association |
• preparation of design documentation, obtaining approvals and authorizations necessary for the development of the contract and the technical execution project;
• technical support;
Execution of works:
• site organization;
• acquisition of insulation mixed half-shells and drain and ventilation valves;
• execution of assembly works for half-shells and valves;
• commissioning.
Thermal networks rehabilitation – Arad Municipality
Project title | “Heating in Arad – Rehabilitation of the transport and distribution thermal network and transformation of the Thermal Point in the Aradul Nou district” |
Beneficiary | Arad Municipality |
Duration | 2018-2020 |
Value | 25.7 million lei |
Within the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
- design services (DTAC, PTh, DE, As-Built phases) for:
– replacement of the thermal distribution network in Aradul Nou district;
– replacement of parts of the heat transport network;
– transformation of the Thermal Point from Aradul Nou into the Thermal Power Plant. - works to replace the thermal energy transport network (route length: approx. 4.5 km), including:
– supply of insulated pipes and pipe elements;
– decommissioning of existing district heating pipes;
– rehabilitation of existing inspection chambers/ execution of new ones;
– installation of new insulated pipes and pipe elements;
– restoration of road system on the affected routes. - works to replace the thermal energy distribution network in the Aradul Nou district (route approx. 2.0 km), including:
– supply of insulated pipes and pipe elements;
– decommissioning of existing heat distribution pipes;
– installation of new insulated pipes and pipe elements;
– restoration of road system on the affected routes. - works to transform the Thermal Point from Aradul Nou into the Thermal Power Plant: supply and installation of gas boilers (3 x 900kW), biomass-pellet boiler (1 x 150 kW), including:
– supply of equipment and accessories (gas / biomass boilers, biomass silo, modules of
expansion / addition, ACM storage vessels, water treatment station, control valves, power cabinet
and automation etc.);
– decommissioning of existing equipment and installations;
– works of constructions and installations related to the constructions (rehabilitation of the building);
– replacement works for boilers and pipelines;
– works for mounting the chimneys;
– works for gas supply systems, respectively pellets, for boilers.
Rehabilitation of the centralized heat supply system of Vatra Dornei
Project title | Rehabilitation of the centralized heat supply system of Vatra Dornei |
Beneficiary | Vatra Dornei Municipality |
Duration | 2018-2020 |
Value | 22.6 million lei |
Under the contract, Elsaco Electronic performed:
• design and execution of primary thermal network, 2.1 km long.
• design and execution works for the rehabilitation of the thermal plant on wood waste, sawdust – 12MW:
– works for the rehabilitation of the existing building: constructions, installations;
– works for replacement of existing boilers and pipelines with new ones;
– replacement of existing chimneys;
– demolition and replacement of the boiler feed system.
Project title | Modernization and rehabilitation of the thermal energy transport network in the areas: Victoriei Square, Loginescu and Războieni street in Focșani |
Beneficiary | Focșani Municipality |
Duration | 2017-2018 |
Value | 1.636.400 lei |
Role | Executant |
Within the project have been carried out:
• supplying PT 51, PT 52 thermal points through a new branch, continuing the transport network starting from PT 45; the newly proposed primary network route was carried out through a heating connection from PT 45, on the street of Lt. Tănăsescu, Războieni street, An revoluționar 1848 and Longinescu street, with a heating connection to PT 52 and a takeover PT 51 .
• supply of PT 47, PT 48, PT 54 thermal points by creating a new section that goes from PT 2 on Tinereții Street until it intersects with the existing connection to PT 47 on Piața Victoriei square gyrating.
Elsaco carried out:
• design services: topographic studies, geotechnical study, project for obtaining approvals (PAC), Technical Project (PTh), Execution Details (DDE), Control Program, Site Security and Health Plan, Environmental Management Plan, As-Built Documentation, and Technical assistance from the designer.
• construction works: resistance (excavation, execution of fixed points, execution of manholes, rehabilitation of roads), thermomechanical technological installations (installation of preinsulated steel pipes, defectoscopic analysis of pipeline welds, pressure tests, decommissioning of old pipelines) and pipeline status monitoring (damage detection system, humidity sensors for detecting and locating damage caused by humidity).
The physical capacity of the new pipeline sections is 630 m (1260 m pipeline) and will serve approx. 10,000 inhabitants, replacing the old oversized networks that recorded huge energy losses.
Project title | Upgrade of interior installations, parameter monitoring and dispatcher automation of thermal points (22 thermal points) |
Beneficiary | Oradea Municipality |
Duration | 2016 – 2017 |
Value | 11,402,422.40 LEI excluding VAT |
Under the contract, Elsaco Electronic provided:
• design services;
• operating staff training;
• supply and installation of heating and hot water modules, including expansion modules, pumping groups secondary heating, electrical and automation panels, impurities separators, metering equipment, fittings, pipes and pipe elements;
• electrical and automation installations.
Project title | Design and execution of rehabilitation works for primary and secondary heating network for the investment project Rehabilitation of the of district heating municipality of Oradea for the period 2009 – 2028 in order to comply with environmental legislation and increase energy efficiency – Phase II |
Beneficiary | Oradea Municipality |
Duration | 2016-2017 |
Value | 97.939.137,35 lei |
Within the contract 20.3 km of primary network have been rehabilitated, divided into 24 objects, of which ELSACO ELECTRONIC executed 6.2 km (6 objects).
The works carried out in the heat transport system included:
– replacement of pipes located underground and above ground;
– replacement of valves on the path of the DH arteries and main ramifications and connections;
– construction works;
– creating a system for monitoring the pipes insulation;
– power supply for the motor-operated valves;
– installation of a fiber optic cable for data transmission throughout the whole length of the rehabilitated network.
Integrated information system for reading and managing the heat meters in Oradea
Project title | Integrated information system for reading and managing the heat meters in Oradea |
Beneficiary | Termoficare Oradea SA |
Duration | 20 months |
Value | 23.083.299,97 lei with VAT |
The investment involved the implementation of an unified solution that allows the consumption data to be collected from the meters installed at the customers of Termoficare Oradea SA in order for consumption billing, for an effective management of the fleet of counters, reduction of the costs associated with collecting and centralizing data, reduction of the reading time and customer billing.
The technical solution consisted of procuring and installing 67 fully equipped panels for data collection from the heat meters at the blocks that have an M-Bus network (the case of the thermal points that are placed in common with water pump stations) and 82 panels for data collection from the heat meters, with mobile radio terminal (blocks without M-Bus network, households equipped with individual thermal modules, business and domestic customers supplied from the secondary network, as well as newly established points of consumption).
In order to read the meters equipped with radio module the beneficiary has been provided with three fully equipped kits with RF module, docking station and application software. It will be realized a dispatcher/data collection center which will be equipped with hardware and software, as required by the beneficiary, for the integrated information system for reading and managing the heat meters. The software solution allows the interpretation, storage, analysis, visualization, alarming and reporting data collected from meters, including interfacing with the billing system.
Project title | Reconstruction of the thermal interconnection network between the CET 1 and CET 2 circuits, de la thermal station CT-217 (Budăi Street) to the valves pavilion PV-2 (Transnistria Street) |
Beneficiary | TERMOELECTRICA SA Chișinău |
Duration | 15.05.2017 – 15.10.2017 |
Value | 45,786,307.86 MDL |
The thermal network construction and the related works were part of the IBRD funded project of District Heating Efficiency Improvement Project (SACET).
The objectives of the project consisted in the improvement of the security, reliability, quality and efficiency of the district heating services in Chișinău by modernizing the infrastructure of “Termoelectrica” and improving the system management.
The contract foresees for the reconstruction of the thermal networks from the PV-2 pavilion from Transnistria Street to the CT-217 thermal power station on Budai Street.
The reconstruction of the thermal network was made using modern pre-insulated pipelines, installed above-ground and underground, and comprised the following categories of works:
– construction and installation works for thermal transport networks;
– supply and installation of pre-insulated pipelines Dn 700 (1,050 ml pipeline) – air, with 2 pipes mounted on mobile supports, pre-insulated pipes with rigid polyurethane and signaling wires for damage detection;
– supply and installation of pre-insulated pipes Dn 700 (1,550 ml pipeline) – underground, with 2 pipes installed in non-visible channels, pre-insulated pipes with rigid polyurethane with signaling wire for damage detection;
– excavation works, road rebuilding;
– installation of valves, fittings, silfonic compensators;
– rehabilitation works for thermal stations – construction and thermomechanics;
– commissioning.
Reconstruction of the thermal network of the Pumping Station no. 19 – Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
Project title | Reconstruction of the thermal network from the Pumping Station no. 19 (Lomonosov Street) to the thermal power station CT-319 (Drumul Viilor Street) in the South circuit |
Beneficiary | TERMOELECTRICA SA Chișinău |
Duration | 02.05.2017 – 15.10.2017 |
Value | 16,822,962.09 MDL |
The thermal network construction and its related works were part of the World Bank-funded Energy Efficiency Enhancement System (SACET).
The project was implemented in the context of reforms and modernization processes in the Moldovan energy sector. The objectives of the Project are to improve the security, reliability, quality and efficiency of centralized heat supply services in Chisinau by modernizing the Termoelectrica SA infrastructure and improving the system management.
The contract foresees for the reconstruction of the thermal networks from the outlets of the pumping station (SP) 19 from Lomonosov str. to the CT-319 thermal power station from Drumul Viilor street, in the connection area of the CT-Sud thermal plant, avoiding the dismantling of the sections of pre-insulated pipelines previously installed.
The reconstruction of the thermal network was made using modern pre-insulated pipelines, installed above ground and underground, and comprised the following categories of works:
– supply and installation of preinsulated pipes Dn 400 – Dn 250 (1,670 ml pipeline) – underground, with 2 pipes in existing non-visible channels, pre-insulated pipes with rigid polyurethane with signaling wire for damage detection;
– excavation works, road rebuilding;
– installation of valves, fittings, silfonic compensators;
– rehabilitation works for thermal stations – construction and thermomechanics;
– commissioning works.
Project title | Rehabilitation of heat pumps, installation of frequency inverters and associated equipment in pumping stations 12 and 13 Chișinău |
Client | Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit – MEPIU |
Beneficiary | Termoelectrica Chișinău |
Duration | April-December 2016 |
Value | 3.285.291 euro |
According to the contract Elsaco Electronic ensured:
• project management;
• construction works and associated services;
• mechanical, electrical and automation installations;
• commissioning of electrical equipment.
Rehabilitation of Secondary thermal networks from Bacău municipality Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4, Lot 5
Type of project | Strategic priority project on the Sectoral Operational Programme Environment, Priority Axis 3 – Reduction of pollution and mitigation of climate change by restructuring and renovating urban heating systems towards energy efficiency targets in the identified local environmental hotspots. |
Client | Bacău Municipality |
Period | 2014 – 2015 |
Investment value | 85.800.000 lei without VAT |
The project implied the complete modernization of the heating, hot water and re-circulation networks by replacing the current system with a next-generation distribution system consisting of pre-insulated pipes and installations of automatic detection of the failures.
According to the contract, Elsaco provided:
- work of dismantling and replacement of pipelines;
- auxiliary work for pipelines and cables.
Upgrading the main pipeline no. 2 of Iasi Transport Network
Consortium: Conest S.A. – Elsaco Electronic S.R.L. – TMUCB S.A.
Type of project | Environmental project |
Customer | Iași Municipality |
Period | 2012 – 2014 |
With this investment, Iasi Municipality seeked to renovate district heating in the city of Iasi in order to comply with environmental standards on air emissions and increase energy efficiency in district heat supply.
The aim of this project was to reduce environmental pollution and improve energy efficiency of Iasi district heating system by reducing losses in the transport network and pump operating costs and increasing yields in heat installations.
Upgrading the 5.25 km of transport network within M2 main pipeline has been achieved by replacing the existing pipe with and pre-insulated pipe to reduce heat loss.
Implementation of heat supply networks renovation in Botosani Municipality under the Project “Renovation of district heating in Botosani Municipality throughout 2009-2028 period in order to comply with environmental legislation and increase energy efficiency”
Consortium: Elsaco Electronic S.R.L. – Confort S.A. – Electro Alfa International S.R.L. – Aquaterm S.R.L.
Type of project | Environmental project |
Customer | Botosani Municipality |
Period | 2011 — 2013 |
The overall objective was to improve quality of environmental factors as a result of infrastructure investment required by the EU economic and social cohesion policy.
The specific objective of the project was the investment program meant to ensure compliance with environmental obligations set out in the Accession Treaty and objectives of national energy and heat supply strategies and policies.
Therefore, the purpose was to design and perform the renovation and modernization works for the main supply pipe connecting the city with the district heat supplier, heating ramifications and connections in the residential area (unitary heating area) and distribution networks in Botosani Municipality.
Renovation of district heat supply system in Focsani Municipality throughout 2009-2028 period in order to comply with environmental legislation and increase energy efficiency – Implementation of the project concerning Heating Networks and Heating Substations.
Consortium: Elsaco Electronic S.R.L. – Branpis S.R.L.
Type of project | Environmental project |
Customer | Focșani Municipality |
Period | 2012 – 2014 |
The overall objective of the project was to improve the quality of the environment as a result of infrastructure investment required by EU economic and social cohesion policy.
The specific objective of the project lays in the investment program meant to ensure compliance with environmental obligations set out in the Accession Treaty and objectives of national energy and heat supply strategies and policies.
The investment covered the design and execution of renovation and modernization of the centralized heat transport and distribution system in the southern and central parts of Focsani City.
Renovation of heating networks has been done by using new technologies that would lead to improved energy efficiency in all its components, in order to supply heat according to the quantity and quality parameters demanded by consumers at the lowest price possible and with minimal environmental impact by reducing the amount of pollutants.
Regia Autonomă de Termoficare Cluj-Napoca
Procurement of boilers, construction and assembly works, drawing up projects in various stages (Detailed Design + Execution Details + Specifications) for the corresponding heating, plumbing, exhaust gas, electrical, automation and fuel systems – CT 1 Grigorescu heating station in Cluj-Napoca – Modernization / automation of heating stations – replacement of boilers in heating stations, replacement of plate heat exchangers.
Type of project | Heating Project |
Client | Regia Autonomă de Termoficare Cluj-Napoca |
Period | 2008 – 2009 |
The project objective was to produce hot water-based heat transfer medium for heating and domestic hot water supplied to the residents of Grigorescu District in Cluj Napoca City.
The works meant to modernize Grigorescu Heating Station No. 1 included:
- replacement of boilers and their associated equipment;
- replacement of indoor heating systems;
- replacement of plumbing;
- replacement of flue gas systems;
- replacement of electrical and automation systems;
- replacement of gas fuel systems;
- preparation of the necessary design documentation and approval of the State Inspection for the Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Hoisting Equipment (ISCIR)
Regia Autonomă de Termoficare Cluj-Napoca
Procurement of equipment, construction and assembly works, drawing up projects in various stages (Technical Design + Execution Details + Specifications) for the corresponding heating, plumbing, exhaust gas, electrical, automation and fuel systems, all part of the investment project called “Modernization / Automation of central heating stations – boilers and replacement of plate heat exchangers” in heating station no. 8 located in Manastur District, Cluj-Napoca City
Type of project | Heating Project |
Client | Regia Autonomă de Termoficare Cluj-Napoca |
Period | 2008 – 2009 |
The project objective was to produce hot water-based heat transfer medium for heating and domestic hot water supplied to the residents of Manastur District, Cluj-Napoca.
The works meant to modernize Manastur heating station no. 8 consisted in:
- replacement of boilers and their associated equipment;
- replacement of indoor heating systems;
- replacement of plumbing;
- replacement of flue gas systems;
- replacement of electrical and automation systems;
- replacement of gas fuel systems;
- preparation of the necessary design documentation and approval of the State Inspection for the Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Hoisting Equipment (ISCIR)
Local Council of Craiova Municipality
Modernization of heating substations in Craiova City: design, automation, metering, replacement of machinery, equipment and facilities, Lot III + Dispatch system
Type of project | Proiect Termo |
Client | Local Council of Craiova Municipality |
Period | 2008 – 2009 |
The purpose of this investment was to increase efficiency of heating stations under the administration of R.A. Termoficare Craiova by rehabilitation of heating substations.
Modernization included:
- procurement and installation of new machinery, equipment and plants for the heating stations;
- procurement of plant parts and execution of the heating and mechanical plant, including its connections with the machinery and equipment installed;
- procurement and installation of equipment and electrical and automation systems;
- technical project and execution details.
Completing the modernization of heating substations operated by RADET
Objective 4B+6 – Provide heating substations with meters on the secondary circuits and pipe replacement, Lot 5 – Distribution Unit District 5, Package 1
Type of project | Proiect Termo |
Client | RADET Bucharest |
Period | 2008 – 2009 |
The purpose of this investment was to increase energy efficiency of heating plants under the administration of RADET Bucharest by rehabilitation of the heating substations.
The investment consisted of:
- provision of meters for a total of 21 heating substations on secondary circuits (hot water, cold water, recycled water, filling circuit from primary output);
- repairing, strengthening and making new props for the mesh piping support system;
- laying new mesh pipes, reassembling of sections comprising automation and control components on the primary circuit;
- thermal insulation works, plumbing and electrical systems construction.
Modernization of the transport and heat distribution system for 40 heating substations and related heating networks in Suceava City – Stage “4 HS -2009”, rehabilitation of heating, plumbing, electrical, automation and metering systems and purchase of basic materials.
Type of project | Heating Project |
Client | Suceava Municipality |
Period | 2009 – 2010 |
The purpose of this investment was to increase energy efficiency and improve the conditions of heat supply for the inhabitants of Suceava City.
Modernisation of heating substations consisted of:
- Rehabilitation of heating systems: plate heat exchangers for heating and hot water, expansion modules, variable-speed heat circulating electropumps, hot water circulating electropumps, differential pressure regulators, 2-way control valves and electric drive for heating and hot water circuits, ON / OFF electrically actuated butterfly valves, safety valves for primary and secondary circuits;
- Rehabilitation of electrical and plumbing systems: power and automation switchboards equipped with automation controller, outdoor temperature sensors, alarm and anti-burglary systems;
- Architecture and construction works, thermomechanical, plumbing , electrical and automation systems
Drinking water collection, treatment and distribution
Project title | Rehabilitation of chlorination station and arrangement of Izvarna capture enclosure; rehabilitation and extension of the supply pipe Izvarna – Craiova Thread II Section I |
Beneficiary | Oltenia Water Company |
Duration | 2020-2023 |
Value | 122.1 million lei (without VAT) |
Role | Leader of association |
• Technical Project, documentation, authorizations and approvals;
• thread II adduction pipe extension works and existing adduction pipe rehabilitation works;
• connecting thread II of the supply pipe to the existing capture chamber;
• special works: construction or rehabilitation of road crossings and river crossings;
• rehabilitation of existing manholes and / or construction of any manhole with necessary insulation, emptying and ventilation valves;
• monitoring system;
• rehabilitation of chlorination station and administrative building;
• testing, commissioning, staff training.
Key elements:
• adduction pipe extension works: 1.587 m;
• adduction pipe rehabilitation works: 18.858 m.
Project title | Sewerage network and treatment plant in Colibași and Malovăţ villages, Malovăţ commune, Mehedinţi county |
Beneficiary | Malovăț Commune, Mehedinți |
Duration | 2018-2022 |
Value | 9.7 million lei, without VAT |
Role | Leader of association |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
• construction works for the DN 250 and DN 315 sewerage network, DN 160 connections, manholes, roadbed works, special works (road and river underpasses, bridge overpasses);
• supply and installation of 7 pieces of wastewater pumping stations and 1 piece wastewater treatment plant type MBBR, Qmed = 222 m3/day;
• electrical and automation installations;
• related works (site organization, commissioning and tests).
Rehabilitation of the Izvarna – Craiova adduction pipeline, Section VI, Thread II
Project title | DJ-CL22- Rehabilitation of the Izvarna – Craiova adduction pipeline, Section VI, Thread II |
Beneficiary | Oltenia Water Company |
Duration | 2020-2022 |
Value | 57.9 million lei (without VAT) |
Role | Leader of association |
• PAFSIN pipe, 1200 mm diameter, installation works;
• civil works (concrete manholes, massive and concrete pipe embedding);
• special works on the pipeline route (underpasses, overpasses);
• project management;
• providing the necessary resources (personnel, basic materials, machinery and equipment);
• testing and commissioning;
• preparation of the technical book of the pipeline, of the technical manuals of operation and personnel training.
Key elements:
• rehabilitation of adduction pipe in length 4.132 meters (nominal pressure: Pn10 bar);
• rehabilitation of adduction pipe in length of 4/426 meters (nominal pressure: Pn12 bar).
Project title | Establishment of the sewage network and the treatment plant in Draxini and Bălușeni villages, Bălușeni commune, Botoșani county |
Beneficiary | Bălușeni Commune, Botoșani |
Duration | 2019-2021 |
Value | 9.6 million lei |
Role | Leader of association |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
- gravity and pumping sewerage network (L = 21.188 ml);
- wastewater pumping stations (8 pcs.);
- treatment plant with a maximum domestic wastewater treatment capacity of 225 m3 / day;
Project title | Establishment of a water supply system in Curteşti commune (Hudum village, Doamnei Monastery and Curteşti), Botoşani county |
Beneficiary | Curtești Commune, Botoșani |
Duration | 2019-2020 |
Value | 8 million lei |
Role | Leader of association |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
– design services;
– construction works and installations for the water supply;
– supply and installation of technological equipment and machinery;
– execution of water supply connections and valve manholes;
– construction works for water pumping stations and water storage tanks;
– testing and commissioning.
Project title | Establishment of sewerage network and extension of the water network in the village of Roşiori, Răchiţi commune, Botoșani county |
Beneficiary | Răchiți Commune, Botoșani |
Period | 2018 – 2020 |
Value | 8.4 million |
Role | Leader of association |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic performed:
- water network extension;
- execution of water connections;
- execution of water branching;
- extension of the sewer network;
- execution of sewer connections;
- execution of manholes and connections;
- execution of wastewater pumping stations.
Project title | Rehabilitation, expansion and modernization of the water supply systems and the sewerage of Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Simian and Gura Văii – LOT 1 – Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Gura Văii |
Client | S.C. SECOM S.A. Drobeta-Turnu Severin |
Period | 2015 – 2017 |
Value | 21.6 million lei |
In accordance with the contract specifications, Elsaco Electronic performed construction works – assembly, including procurement, in the localities Drobeta-Turnu Severin and Gura Văii:
• Expansion of the water networks – 22.999 m Diameter 110, 160, 225, 280, 355 and 2.190 m of water system rehabilitation;
• 1.636 m water network rehabilitation by guniting;
• 780 water connections with new meters;
• two drilled wells, including design;
• one tank of 50 cubic meters – design, construction and the rehabilitation of a reservoir of 300 cubic meters;
• expansion and rehabilitation of water networks in Gura Văii 5.500 m – Diameter 75 and 110;
• sewer networks – 21.879 m PVC 250, 315, 500 and 1200 m in Drobeta-Turnu Severin and 4.097 m in Gura Văii;
• five SPA in Drobeta-Turnu Severin and one in Gura Văii;
• rehabilitation of sewerage networks by guniting – 3.685 m;
• 1.581 connections to sewage Drobeta-Turnu Severin and Gura Văii;
• SCADA and pumping station, chlorination, water treatment in Gura Văii, with total design.
Extension of water and sewage system in Botoșani
Project title | Extension of water and sewage system in Botoșani |
Client | Nova ApaServ Botoșani |
Period | 2015 – 2017 |
Value | 14.717.838,96 lei without VAT |
Within the project, Elsaco Electronic carried out construction and installation works for the extension and rehabilitation of the water supply and sewage systems in Botoșani agglomeration, among which may be mentioned:
- construction and installation work for water supply and sewage;
- supply and installation of the technological machinery and equipment;
- executing branching for the water supply and sewerage connections;
- drinking water and wastewater pumping stations and discharge pipes;
- execution of electrical connections;
- execution of SCADA type data transmission systems and SCADA dispatcher;
- testing and commissioning;
- training for the operating personnel.
Project title | Sewage and purification station in the localities Stâncești, Manolești Vale, Mihai Eminescu commune, Botoșani County |
Client | Mihai Eminescu commune |
Period | 29.10.2015 – 24.08.2016 |
Value | 3.725.736,79 lei without VAT |
Under the contract, Electronic Elsaco S.R.L. performed sewage works, pumping stations and water treatment plant in the localities Stâncești and Manolești Vale, Mihai Eminescu commune, Botoșani County.
Purchase and installation of remote reading meters – Compania de Apă Arieș
Project title | Purchase and installation of remote reading meters |
Period | 26.06.2015 – 26.04.2016 |
Value | 14.487.236,91 lei without VAT |
The objective of this contract was the acquisition and installation of approximately 16.670 cold water meters, pre-equipped for remote data transmission, to economic operators, associations of homeowners and domestic users in Turda, Câmpia Turzii, Mihai Viteazu, Corneşti, Cheia, Bogata, Sânduleşti, Copăceni, Luna, Viişoara, Urca, Gligoreşti.
Also, the contract concerned the supply of handheld terminals for meter reading, complete software and hardware related to the water meters reading system, a data management system for the informations received from the meters and the installation, commissioning, testing, maintenance and staff training.
The remote reading meters provide an operational advantage, enabling reading the index at a distance of up to 1000 meters, making it possible to determine the consumption without requiring the presence of the consumer or the reading can be made even in case of flooded sumps. The customer advantage is that the billing is based on the actual consumption, not on estimates.
The remote reading meters allow finding out the consumption at any time, collecting statistics about the consumption behavior, being available the consumption history of the latest 13 months. They can also detect water leaks or in case of excessive consumption the customers can be warned to take measures to verify the installation. This system makes possible the detection of unauthorized interference at the meter.
Electronic Elsaco aimed:
• Addressing immediately the problems encountered in the water sectors in Turda, Câmpia Turzii and the localities connected to the water network pf the Regional Operator from Cluj County;
• Bringing the water supply system to the required standard;
• Reducing the exploitation costs;
• Increasing the safety of the operating personnel;
• Improving the living conditions of the population;
To achieve the goals of the project were provided the following:
• Replacement of cold water meters with expired life with new ones with remote reading.
The number of meters stipulated in the contract was 33.334.
Supply and installation of water meters, accessories and related services- Neamţ County
Project title | CF1 – Supply and installation of water meters, accessories and related services |
Client | Compania Județeană APA SERV SA – Neamț |
Period | 14.09.2015 – 15.03.2017 |
Value | 10.372.169,83 lei without VAT |
Within the works contract Elsaco Electronic supplied and installed meters in the following localities: Piatra Neamț, Roznov, Bicaz, Săvineşti, Roman and Târgu Neamț:
– Dn meter 15 – 6424 pieces;
– Dn meter 20 – 4728 pieces;
– Dn meter 25 – 135 pieces;
– Dn meter 32 – 252 pieces;
– Dn meter 40 – 92 pieces;
– Dn meter 50 – 298 pieces;
– Dn meter 65 – 8 pieces;
– Dn meter 80 – 37 pieces;
– Dn meter 100 – 42 pieces;
– Dn meter 150 – 5 pieces;
Project title | “Extension of the water and sewage networks in Sânmartin village, villages of Sânmartin, Cordău, Cihei and Rontău” |
Beneficiary | Compania de Apă Oradea S.A. |
Period | 18.02.2015 – 31.12.2015 |
Value | 1.912.650,78 lei without VAT |
Within the works contract Elsaco Electronic performed:
1. The execution of ten new wastewater pumping stations – because in certain areas, the terrain configuration did not allow the gravity flow of wastewater, it was required pumping the wastewater collected, therefore has been proposed the implementation of ten wastewater pumping stations;
The ten wastewater pumping stations are executed fully underground, only remaining at the surface area, permanently occupied, the access hatch inside the station and the electrical panel.
The wastewater pumping stations are monoblock, fully prefabricated fiberglass, fully equipped with: electric pumps for wastewater mounted submerged, hydrostatic level transmitter, float type level sensors, complete hydraulic installations (pipes, drawer valves , retention ball valves) and natural ventilation installation.
2. The power supply of the wastewater pumping stations proposed and the provision of the SCADA points, assured by connection to the electricity supply network from the station locations.
3. Implementation and facilities for the SCADA system of the sewage system- there will be installed in the proposed wastewater pumping stations, with the purpose of data acquisition in order to implement an integrated SCADA system for monitoring and automatic operation of the sewage systems.
Zoning, metering and pressure monitoring in the cities Satu Mare, Carei, Negreşti-Oaș and Tășnad
Project title | Zoning, metering and pressure monitoring in the cities Satu Mare, Carei, Negreşti-Oaș and Tășnad |
Period | 03.06.2014 – 07.12.2015 |
Value | 3.562.601,64 lei without VAT |
The works performed have been part of the major project: “Extension and rehabilitation of water and wastewater network in Satu Mare county, Romania.”
Within the project “Zoning, metering and pressure monitoring in the cities Satu Mare, Carei, Negreşti-Oaș and Tășnad MS-CL-06” have been made 82 points of metering and pressure monitoring.
ELSACO ENGINEERING built homes of measure, supplied and installed all electro-mechanical equipment and accessories needed to carry out the work in order to make the monitoring points of flow and pressure in accordance with the technical specifications provided by the Contracting Authority and has developed and implemented the SCADA application.
Project title | CL3 Secaşelor water adduction (adduction Sibiu – Ocna Sibiului, adduction Ocna Sibiului – Miercurea Sibiului) |
Beneficiary | S.C. APA CANAL S.A. SIBIU |
Period | 27.09.2013 – 22.09.2015 |
Value | 37.217.024,60 without VAT |
The investment involved developing the Sibiu Northwest area water supply system.
Under the works contract Elsaco Electronic SRL made three objects. The first two were the SP1 and SP2 pumping stations, where have been carried out the following elements:
– electromechanical equipment (pumps);
– hydraulic system (pipes, connecting pieces, valves, measuring and control devices);
– ancillary facilities (devices for handling the hydro-mechanical equipment and heavy pieces);
– lighting electrical installation;
From a functional perspective, considering the localities which will be served there can be distinguished seven components: Ocna Sibiului adduction, Alamor – Gusu adduction, Presaca adduction, Bogatu Român adduction, Miercurea Sibiului adduction, Apoldu de Sus adduction, Apoldu de Jos adduction. The seven components provide the water supply to the localities mentioned and include an establishment for the Water Household with storage tank.
Within the Water Households are foreseen electrical and automation supplies, with the possibility of operation and integration from the SCADA system, which performs the following:
– continuous level measurement and notification of 3-step adjustable water level from the tank (minimal level of damage, minimal working level , maximum working level) with the transmission of the relating conditions to the dispatcher. The minimum working level represents reaching the level of the intangible reserve for fire;
– continuous measurement of pressure on the discharge pipe (1 point of measurement) using a compact electromagnetic flowmeter with signal transmission to the SCADA dispatcher.
The third object stipulated a chlorination station sized for each household corresponding flow of water. In order to monitor the chlorination station operation, it is fitted with equipment for integration into the SCADA system, which tracks:
– continuous measurement of gas concentrations form the installation and cylinders;
– continuous measurement of pressure for the cylinders;
– continuous measurement of residual chlorine concentrations.
The water households and two pumping stations were foreseen with electrical installations. For each objective have been carried out indoor and outdoor electrical lighting installations, sockets, plugs and ground force involved. The electricity supply of the electrical panels TG was made from the existing networks in the area.
Rehabilitation of the wastewater treatment plant from Vatra Dornei
Project title | Rehabilitation of the wastewater treatment plant from Vatra Dornei |
Client | ACET S.A. Suceava |
Period | 12.08.2013 – 26.08.2015 |
Value | 8.500.295 lei without VAT |
In the works contract Elsaco Electronic SRL carried out:
- execution of civil works;
- execution of the installation of mechanical and hydro-mechanical equipment;
- execution of the installation works for the technological pipeline networks (wastewater, sludge, air);
- design and execution of the electrical and automation switchboards;
- execution of the electrical and automation works;
- SCADA: design and execution;
- execution of the systematization and landscaping.
Rehabilitation of the Water treatment plant Valea de Pești and of the Capture Lazăru, Jiu Valley
Client | Hidroconstrucția Banat |
Period | 2014-2015 |
Value | 2.465.769,40 lei |
On 16.04.2015 was made the reception for the project “Rehabilitation of the Water treatment plant Valea de Pești and of the Capture Lazăru”, Jiu Valley, at which Elsaco Electronic had the quality of subcontractor and supplier of equipment and services.
The investment, which consisted of electrical installation works, supplying switchboards and SCADA services, had a value of 2,465,769.40 lei, without VAT.
The project was carried out between July 2014-April 2015.
Modernization of the wastewater treatment systems in Nehoiu, Pogoanele and Pătârlagele (CL)
Client | Hidroconstrucția București |
Period | 03.12.2014 (+ 12 months faults notification period) |
Value | 2,274,329 lei |
According to the contract Elsaco Electronic carried out the modernization of the water and wastewater systems:
- Rehabilitation of the pumping station Zagastru;
- Construction of tank in Muscel;
- Construction of water pumping station in Muscel;
- Adduction of water Pătârlagele-Muscel;
- Extension of water-distribution networks;
- Construction of waste water pumping stations;
- Extension of sewerage networks;
- Upgrading the water and wastewater systems in Pogoanele;
- Drilling (rehabilitation of the two existing and construction of three new boreholes);
- Rehabilitation of the reservoir, pumping station rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the water adduction;
- Rehabilitation and extension of the distribution networks;
- Construction of wastewater pumping stations;
- Expansion and rehabilitation of the sewerage network;
Modernization of water and wastewater in Buzau and Nehoiu
Works for the rehabilitation of water supply and wastewater networks in Botosani – ISPA 2004 RO 16 P PE 001
Project 50.05% co-financed by the European Union and 49.95% funded from the state budget
Client | Hidroconstrucţia Siriu |
Period | 27.02.2013 – 01.09.2014 (+12 month, defects notification period) |
Value | 18.035.402,70 lei |
Elsaco Electronic performed under the contract: electrical installation works , automation and SCADA system, machinery of drinking water treatment plant Siriu, for drinking water pumping stations and wastewater,tanks.
Works for the rehabilitation of water supply and wastewater networks in Botosani – ISPA 2004 RO 16 P PE 001
Project 50.05% co-financed by the European Union and 49.95% funded from the state budget
Type of project | Water Project |
Client | APA GRUP Botoșani |
Period | 2008 – 2011 |
The purpose of this investment was to improve the environmental infrastructure in terms of water and wastewater in Botosani, in order to comply with the requirements imposed by European standards on environmental conservation and protection.
Hereinafter, there are some general objectives:
- comply with European standards on drinking water;
- improve safety of the water supply system;
- reduce physical losses of water;
- comply with European standards on environmental protection;
- reduce rivers pollution and seepage.
Elsaco Electronic, as a member of Hidroconstructia SA – Elsaco Electronic S.R.L. consortium, completed the following works:
- water network rehabilitation: 26 streets – 15.38 km route;
- wastewater network rehabilitation: 7 streets – 2.75 km route;
- raw water pipelines works;
- SCADA system: 28 monitoring points with dispatch system.
Rehabilitation of water treatment facilities, Bistrita Nasaud County ISPA 2003/RO/16/P/PE/025-03
Type of project | Water Project |
Client | SC Aquabis SA Bistriţa |
Period | 2009 – 2010 |
The purpose of this investment consisted in design and execution works meant to rehabilitate the water treatment plant in Bistrita Bargaului for providing water supply to more than 36,000 inhabitants and treat sludge resulted from the technological process in Bistrita water treatment plant.
Electronic Elsaco, as a partner of Hidroconstrucţia SA – Elsaco Electronic S.R.L. consortium, has completed the following works:
- providing mechanical, electrical and automation equipment;
- providing and installing a sediment sludge dewatering plant, belt filter press type;
- rehabilitation of rapid gravity filters, pulsed sludge clarifiers, pumping stations serving the entire plant and chemical dosing systems;
- rehabilitation of electric power systems, automation and provision of electric switchboards in all the targeted premises of the treatment plant;
- implementation of a SCADA system for data automation, monitoring and processing.
“Rehabilitation of water supply, sewerage and water treatment system in Buzau City” – provision of water well drilling equipment
Type of project | Water Project |
Client | SC Compania de Apă SA Buzău |
Period | 2010 – 2010 |
The purpose of the investment was to rehabilitate the water supply, sewerage and water treatment system in Buzau City – water well drilling equipment in Buzau City.
The works consisted in equipping 60 drillings of the four water wells: Crang, South, East and Zahar, and completing 12 manholes where 12 flow meters were installed.
Elsaco Electronic, as general contractor, executed the following works:
- purchasing and installation of pumping, electrical and hydraulic equipment, 12 cold water ultrasonic flowmeters on the supply pipes of the four pumping stations (water reservoirs);
- implementing a SCADA system that provides:
- control and monitoring of the 60 wells operation;
- monitoring the level in storage tanks located in the four water reservoirs;
- monitoring pressure and the two instant flows – initial water volume in Crang pumping station;
- monitoring instant water flow and cumulative volume transmitted by the 12 cold water ultrasonic flowmeters mounted on supply lines;
- 1 dispatch system – implementation of SCADA system, radio communication;
- presenting a technical design for the execution of electrical installations and SCADA systems.
Project title | The rehabilitation of Gropeni catchment (Brăila) and new treatment plant, raw and drinking water pumping stations, main pipelines for raw and drinking water – regional system |
Client | Arcon Galaţi in association width Tancrad |
Beneficiary | Compania de Utilităţi Publice Dunărea Brăila |
Period | 06.2014-11.2015 |
Value | 660.000 euro |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic realized the supply of:
- gate valves;
- butterfly valves;
- assembly compensators;
- air valves;
- knife valves;
- check valves;
Irrigation works
Rehabilitation of Viişoara Irrigation Facility – Teleorman County
Project title | “Rehabilitation of Viişoara Irrigation Facility – Teleorman County ” from the Territorial Branch of Land Improvements Teleorman-Neajlov |
Client | National Agency for Land Improvements |
Period | 2018 – 2022 |
Value | 38.4 million lei, without VAT |
Role | Leader of association |
Within this complex project of design and execution have been carried out works for rehabilitation of two pumping stations and water distribution channels in the national irrigation system, as follows:
• design services, including documentation for obtaining approvals, agreements, authorizations;
• construction works (building rehabilitation, social facility, fencing, alleys, rehabilitation of water distribution channels);
• hydromechanical works (replacement of pumping units, pipelines, selectors, compensators, flow meters);
• Medium Voltage and Low Voltage electrical installation works, automation and surveillance (outdoor lighting, indoor lighting, atmospheric discharge protection, 6kv pumping aggregates, electrical automation panels, CCTV).
Rehabilitation of Grădiștea-Fărei-Jirlău Hydroameliorative Facility, Brăila county
Project title | “Rehabilitation of Grădiștea-Fărei-Jirlău Hydroameliorative Facility”, Brăila county |
Client | National Agency for Land Improvements – ANIF |
Duration | 2019-2023 |
Value | 18.1 million lei, without VAT |
Role | General Contractor |
Within this project, Elsaco Electronic performed:
– pumping stations (replacement of pumping units, suction and discharge pipes, hydromechanical installations and fittings, provision of priming and ventilation facilities);
– adduction channels (cleaning works, mechanized reprofiling, filling of broken tiles, rehabilitation of floors, replacement of valves);
– Pipes / collectors (suction pipes, duct / discharge manifolds, priming plant, exhaust system, aeration-deaeration connection pipe defense dam).
Rehabilitation of irrigation facility Zimnicea Terrace, Teleorman County
Project title | “Rehabilitation of irrigation facility Zimnicea Terrace, Teleorman County |
Client | National Agency for Land Improvements |
Period | 2018 – 2020 |
Value | 8 million lei, without VAT |
Role | Leader of association |
Within this project Elsaco Electronic carried out:
– procurement and installation of technological and electrical equipment, facilities;
– electric power, lighting works in pumping stations;
– suction and discharge pipes embankment;
– priming equipment in pumping stations;
– aspiration-discharge technology line Qp. = 1200 mc / h;
– aspiration-discharge technology line Qp = 2800 mc / h;
– aspiration-discharge technology line Qp. = 5900 mc / h.
Modernization and rehabilitation of SPA LUNCA pumping station
Project title | Modernization and rehabilitation of SPA LUNCA pumping station at F.O.U.A.I. “AQUA LUNCA PRUT”, Iași County |
Client | F.O.U.A.I. “AQUA LUNCA PRUT” |
Period | 2018 – 2019 |
Value | 5.328.161,38 lei without VAT |
Within the project, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
- modernization works for the secondary irrigation infrastructure;
- construction works and hydro-mechanical installations;
- rehabilitation works for the electrical and automation installations.
Implementation of irrigation system at Agricola 96 – Țigănași
Project title | Implementation of irrigation system at Agricola 96 – Țigănași |
Client | Agricola 96 |
Period | 2017 – 2019 |
Value | 16.326.504,31 without VAT |
Within the project, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
– civil works at: pumping station buildings, water tank, pumping stations basins and ventilation booths;
– mechanical works: pipelines and pumping stations;
– low-voltage electrical works: panels, equipment circuits, lighting and automation;
– medium voltage electrical works: connections and transformation stations.
Construction and installations
Construction of Bosanci Medical Center: construction works of buildings for medical services
Project title | „Construction of Bosanci Medical Center: construction works of buildings for medical services” |
Client | Bosanci commune, Suceava |
Period | 2018-2022 |
Value | 2 million lei, without VAT |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic performed:
– landscaping for the site organization and execution of the work;
– site organization;
– providing the necessary utilities for site construction and investment;
– construction and installations;
– procurement of technological machinery and equipment;
– technological equipment assembly.
Integrated Waste Management System Project in Dolj county
Project title | Design and execution of works for the construction of 4 transfer stations (Calafat, Dobrești, Filiași, Băilești), a composting plant (Calafat) and closure of urban deposits in Calafat, Filiași, Segarcea within the Integrated Waste Management System Project in Dolj county |
Client | Dolj County Council |
Period | 2016 – 2018 |
Value | 5.505.875 lei without VAT |
Within the project, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
- underground electric power line and medium voltage electrical connection;
- underground, enclosed and low voltage electrical networks;
- exterior and interior lighting;
- installation of low-voltage electrical panels, concrete cover substations and three-phase metering distribution;
- implementation of local SCADA system.
Project title | Electrical installations strong current afferent to the construction Office building with commercial spaces – Building UBC1 |
Beneficiary | Iulius Mall Timișoara |
Period | February – June 2017 |
Value | 795.880,83 € without VAT |
Within the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out works of electrical installations strong current, namely:
• normal and safety lighting installations;
• distribution with internal electric power – normal supply and backup supply;
• potential equalization installation;
• lightning protection installation;
• power and force installations;
• energy management system;
• delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment: distribution boards, dry transformers 1250kVA, medium voltage cell system 20 kV 630A, Diesel Generator Group 1250kVA, 40kVA three-phase UPS, compensation battery, active harmonic remove filter, three-phase meters.
Project title | Romcarton Project |
Beneficiary | Romcarton |
Period | 2017 |
Value | 2.109.044,75 € without VAT |
Within the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
• power supply;
• electricity distribution;
• interior and safety lighting;
• 230 / 400 V outlets, power receptors;
• protection against atmospheric discharge.
Project title | Action mecanism replacement at the closure valve on the Dn 2200 mm pipe at the water outlet Bucecea dam, Botoșani county |
Beneficiary | Administrația Bazinală de Apă Siret |
Period | 21.04.2017 – 13.12.2017 |
Value | 144.519,67 lei without VAT |
Within the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
- equipping the 2,50×1,60 m flat valve on the DN 2200 mm pipe with electromechanical actuators with speed reducers;
- electrical installations.
Project title | AZ Zeno Kliniek |
Beneficiary | AZ Zeno Hospital – (Subcontractor EEG) |
Period | 2016 – 2017 |
Value | € 700.000 |
Within the project, Elsaco Electronic carried out assembling works for the heating and cooling installations, central heating installation.
Beneficiary | Vâlcea County Council |
Period | 2015 – 2017 |
Value | 2.701.981,28 lei without VAT |
Under the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out:
• mechanical works;
• electrical works and SCADA.
Extension of water supply system and sewage in Craiova- Rehabilitation of water station Bordei
Beneficiary | S.C. Compania de Apă Oltenia S.A |
Period | March 2015 – June 2016 |
Value | 1.133.360,69 lei without VAT |
According to the contract Elsaco Electronic executed:
– electrical installations for indoor and outdoor lighting;
– drinking water and wastewater pumps supply;
– design and execution;
– mounting of power panels and automation for drinking water and wastewater pumping groups;
– electrical wiring.
Beneficiary | Vrancea County Council |
Period | 2015 – 2016 |
Value | 2.341.775,24 lei without VAT |
Within the contract Elsaco Electronic performed works of indoor and outdoor lighting electrical installations, outdoor networks, lightning protection system.
The construction of two waste transfer station in Alba County
Beneficiary | Alba County Council |
Period | 31.03.2015 – 31.06.2016 |
Value | 629.297,45 lei without VAT |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic carried out the execution of the electrical installations for the Blaj transfer station and Tărtăria transfer station.
Closure of non-compliant waste landfills from urban areas in Alba County
Beneficiary | Alba County Council |
Period | 31.03.2015 – 31.03.2016 |
Value | 99.375,11 lei without VAT |
According to the contract Elsaco Electronic carried out the power supply installations for the leachate pump and the fully equipped electric panel for the closure of non-compliant landfills of waste Blaj, Abrud and Ocna Mureș.
Beneficiary | Harghita County Council |
Period | 20.07.2015 – 24.05.2016 |
Value | 2.867.881,80 lei without VAT |
The urbanistic indicators resulting from authorizing the proposed works in this present project are:
– Site area: 200,000 sq.m.
– Building Area: 724.12 sq.m.
– Surface construction undertaken: 944.99 sq.m.
– The percentage of land occupation: 0.4%
– Coefficient of land use: 0,005
The investment concerned the establishment of an Integrated Waste Management System in the county of Harghita, including providing a center for waste management in Remetea (consisting of a deposit of non-hazardous waste, a composting plant, a facility for sorting) and realization of two transfer stations and the 7 centers for selective collection of new recyclable waste and one existing center at Sânsimion, including the purchase of equipment and training, advertising and the permanent closure of eight non-compliant landfills, class b, Harghita county.
The waste management center is designed to have an operational life of 25 years (3 cells, the first cell operating 6.2 years). The total area of the first cell is 4.2 hectares and the total area of the deposit for the entire period of operation is 11.5 ha.
Electronic Elsaco executed:
• Electrical works:
– external electrical circuits – supply and outdoor lighting;
– interior electrical circuits – lighting, sockets and installation of electric apparatus/ lighting;
– low current circuits for computers and telephones;
– prefabricated transformer stations;
• Hydraulic works:
– pumping station and tank fire;
– leachate pumping stations.
Period | December 2015 – February 2016 |
Value | 31.930 EURO |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic supplied and installed an air conditioning unit, type rooftop, necessary to ensure the indoor climate in Coresi Shopping Center from Brasov.
Integrated waste management system Caraș-Severin
Beneficiary | Hidroconstrucția Banat |
Period | 25.07.2014 – 31.01.2016 |
Value | 201.492,99 lei without VAT |
In the contract, Electronic Elsaco SRL the carried out the electrical installation works for:
1. POJEJENA transfer station;
2. BOZOVICI transfer station;
3. OŢELU ROȘU transfer station.
Construction of a shopping centre P + 1, fencing, landscaping, advertising signage and organization of site
Period | July 2014-March 2015 |
Value | 6.168.915,00 lei |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic srl supplied and installed 37 rooftop air conditioning equipment required to ensure indoor climate in Brasov Coresi Shopping Centre.
Rehabilitation of the wastewater treatment plant of Fălticeni
Beneficiary | S.C. ACET S.A. Suceava |
Period | October 2013 – August 2014 |
Value | 5.996.044,50 lei |
According to the contract, Elsaco Electronic srl made the civil construction for the new plant, which will serve the city of Fălticeni.
Waste management
Design and execution works for investments included in the project “Integrated waste management system in Salaj County”
Specialized subcontractor of the consortium: Hidroconstrucţia S.A. – Iridex Group S.R.L.
Customer | Salaj County Council |
Period | 2012 – 2013 |
The project aimed to build an ecological waste landfill, waste sorting and mechanical-biological treatment stations and three transfer stations which will be set up in Crasna, Sanmihaiu Almasului and Surduc.
Among the project objectives, it is worth mentioning eliminating the negative effects of improper storage, reducing the amount of waste that will arrive in the warehouse, reducing visual discomfort, odours and other disturbing factors that threaten human health and optimizing waste management costs.
Construction of the local waste deposit, mechanical-biological waste treatment plant and closing non-compliant landfills waste deposits in Mures county
Specialized subcontractor of the consortium: Hidroconstrucţia S.A. – Iridex Group S.R.L.
Customer | Mures County Council |
Period | 2011 – 2013 |
Building this integrated waste repository in Mures county has a unique component in Europe: mechanical-biological treatment of waste, a process of leaching and neutralization that converts organic waste into an inert mass which does not produce gas. The landfill will contain three cells e with a total capacity of 5 million cubic meters:
- closing of non-compliant waste storage Targu Mures – Cristesti, Reghin, Iernut, Ludus and Sovata;
- construction of the new compliant waste storage of Sanpaul;
- construction of the mechanical-biological waste treatment station of Sanpaul.
Construction of the Integrated Waste Management Centre (IWMC), sorting station and composting plant in Fratesti, Giurgiu County.
Type of project | Environmental Project |
Client | Giurgiu County Council |
Period | 2011 – 2012 |
Investment objectives:
- Ensuring compliance with EU legislation on packaging waste collection by construction of a waste sorting plant and implementation of a separate collection system;
- Ensuring compliance with EU legislation on biodegradable waste landfill by constructing a waste transfer and composting station and by implementing a separate collection system.
The measures proposed by the project focused on:
- construction of an Integrated Waste Management Centre in Fratesti, Giurgiu County;
- construction of bulky waste collection centres in: Giurgiu, Mihailesti, Bolintin Vale;
- waste collection sites (recyclable, mixed, biodegradable);
- waste collection and transport to the Integrated Waste Management Centre (IWMC) or ecological landfills.
The integrated waste management system in Giurgiu county and the integrated waste management centre in Fratesti involves the execution of a series of platforms, buildings and technical facilities necessary to develop an optimum activity flow.
The electrical equipment necessary for their proper functioning was made by Elsaco Electronic as a subcontractor of Hidroconstrucţia S.A. – Iridex Group S.R.L. consortium.
Purchase and installation of SCADA equipment – Harviz SA
Project Type | SCADA |
Client | SC Harviz SA, Miercurea Ciuc |
Period | November 2014 – 2016 |
The project involved a complex information system, SCADA Regional, which enables monitoring and remote control of the basic parameters related to water supply and sewerage system in the urban areas in Harghita county, administered by the Regional Operator, SC Harviz S.A.
Elsaco provided:
- Supply and installation of the process instrumentation
- Design, execution and installation of the electrical cabinets of automation and control;
- Parametrizing the automation systems;
- Monitoring and central controlling of the local automation systems;
- Implementation of the communication system;
- Hardware and software equipment for the Regional Dispatching and 2 Local Dispatching Areas.
- Commissioning, testing and maintenance of the entire Regional SCADA System

Beneficiary | Suceava County Council |
Period | 15.08.2015-11.03.2016 |
The project regarding The Closure of the existing urban landfills in the county of Suceava, involves greening the older landfills in Suceava in order to build a waterproofing system , mainly aiming to minimize the environmental impact in all its components, water – air – ground.
The project was implemented across the entire county of Suceava and involved the closure of seven landfills in the urban localities: Suceava, Fălticeni, Gura Humorului, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Vatra Dornei, Rădăuți, Siret.
After the completion of closure of landfills, they will enter a period of monitoring of the evolution in time of the actual construction as well as environmental indicators under the direct supervision of the Environmental Protection Agency.
In this context, each landfill is provided with one modular container of thermostat steel for monitoring environmental parameters, equipped with a system of data collection and reporting malfunctions (failures – including protection) of which the system site-server is a part.
The containers are supplied with electricity and are connected to data services/Internet that the entire system connects.
The data collection under the project, refers to three environmental parameters, namely:
1. the Methane CH4 concentration levels measured in wells and aeration windows practiced in the landfills, made of a system of equipment composed by: sensor gas (detector) CH4 – controller with a variable number of measuring points for each location.
2. the concentration of ammonium NH4 measured in a water well drilled in the adjacent area of the landfills, made of a system of equipment composed by water sensor NH4 – controller, with one measuring point for each location.
3. the level of leachate accumulated in the collection homes through the drainage system made at the base of the landfills, made of a equipment system level translator – controller with a variable number of measuring points for each location.
The local consultation of data collected at each landfill is possible by operating an HMI interface WinDISP type, installed on the computer from the container. The use of this interface is intended for commissioning and for interventions or analyzes made directly on the site. To access information through web, is used the central computer and the Emmsys interface.
At the central computer is installed the software program Elsaco Emmsys. It periodically acquires data from the computers installed in sites, stores the data in a centralized SQL database and displays the data for analysis and report generation as a web application.
The access to the application is secured by username and password. Users are restricted to only view their own data (eg Suceava users will not see data from Vatra Dornei). There are also access accounts for the users who need to see the data from all sensors.
Elsaco provided:
– purchase, delivery and commissioning of IT equipment;
– installation, configuration and commissioning of monitoring parameters software :
– WinDISP – local stations
– EMMSYS – server
The rehabilitation and modernization of the wastewater treatment plant – ACET Suceava, Romania
Type of project | SCADA |
Client | ACET Suceava |
Period | 2010-2011 |
The general objective of the investment was the achievement of a complete line of wastewater treatment that contains four complex technological processes: a mechanical treatment stage, a biological treatment stage with nitrification and de-nitrification, a stage for the biological and chemical removal of phosphorus and a modern sludge processing line.
Elsaco provided:
- low-voltage electrical works;
- the delivery and installation of the measurement and control instrumentation;
- SCADA components: delivery and installation of PLC equipment, dispatching control equipment, software, also the equipment testing and putting it into service;
- the necessary hardware and software equipment for establishing the GPRS communication with the Burdujeni and Mirăuți retention basins
The SCADA system proposed by ELSACO ELECTRONIC SRL includes the following:
- the procurement, configuration and putting into service of the IT equipment from the SCADA control room of the treatment plant (CPI station, monitors, printer, operator panels);
- the procurement of the necessary software licenses for the implementation of the SCADA system, including the associated services of configuration, engineering and putting into operation of the software applications
SCADA systems for water supply in the region Florești, Republic of Moldova
General objective of investment is to provide a key system for data acquisition and control of the supply water network automatically, or manually, through a central monitoring station.
Type of project | SCADA |
Client | Servicii Comunale Florești, Republic of Moldova |
Period | 2012 |
Elsaco provided:
- electrical and automation works;
- delivery and installation of electrical and automation panels, measurement and control instrumentation;
- designing and implementation of a SCADA system for monitoring equipment status, working hours, energy consumption and water level in tanks over the network;
- testing, commissioning, technical assistance and training.
Elsaco implemented a SCADA system for automation and process control of the seven wells from Gura Cainarului and reservoirs over the network: Gura Căinarului, Marculesti and Floreşti. The system performs the control concept of a completely automatic and safe operation for all points of interest.
Water Supply and Wastewater Project Implementation Service, Republic of Moldova
The general objective of the project was to deliver and install the equipment for the automated SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Aquisition), monitoring the technological process of water supply and waste water transportation within the precincts of the Water Supply and Sewage Service of Cahul City.
Type of project | SCADA |
Client | Water Supply and Wastewater Project Implementation Service), Republic of Moldova |
Period | 2012-2013 |
Elsaco provided:
- electrical and automation works;
- delivery and installation of electrical and automation panels, automation and measurement and control instrumentation;
- equipment procurement;
- electrical works of low and medium voltage, with wiring and equipment connections installing, delivery and installation of general distribution panels, low voltage electrical cabinets, medium voltage electrical transformers, medium voltage cells;
- designing and implementing a SCADA automation system;
- system testing and commissioning;
- delivering technical documentation and training.
Implementing and operating this system brings benefits to the development of the management strategies, optimization of the technological process, reduction of the energy consumption and technological losses, streamlining of the exploitation and control of the equipment, machinery and networks.
CCTV and security systems, low voltage systems
Implementing a video monitoring system to increase safety and prevent crime in Gura Humorului City
Type of project | Safety Project |
Client | Gura Humorului City Hall |
Period | 2011 – 2012 |
The overall objective of the project is to monitor those areas of Gura Humorului City with a high degree of social risk, both in terms of crime and accidents.
Purpose and operational objectives:
- Supervising targeted areas in Gura Humorului City;
- Monitoring surrounding areas of major traffic junctions in the city centre;
- Traffic monitoring in key areas of the city.
As general contractor, Elsaco completed the following works:
- installation of urban video surveillance system with 48 outdoor IP mobile cameras PTZ 36X;
- installation of electrical panels, current supply for video cameras and electrical connections;
- installation of metal poles for video cameras;
- implementation of a monitoring dispatch system with 6 operating stations and 8-panel video wall system;
- fibre-optic main networks for transmitting data from video cameras;
- server cabinets, RACK cabinets and high capacity redundant storage network;
- traffic analysis system when entering and exiting the city.