About Elsaco
Elsaco Companies
Human resources
Elsaco Electronic
41A Pacea Str.
710 013, Botoșani
RomâniaTel. +40 231 507 060
Fax: +40 231 532 905
Elsaco’s Community Involvement
We bring value to the lives of those around us.
Elsaco is actively involved in community activities and encourages reaching high performance goals in education, culture and sports.
Social accountability
Our company promotes the concept of Social Accountability and all that its entails: good business practices, ethical standards operating as landmarks for the relations between the company and its business partners, ethical responsibilities towards the community and environment.
We carry out our activity by adding value to the services we provide to our customers, taking into account community needs, remaining open to new ideas and committed to progress.
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22.12.2024 | Winter Customs and Traditions Festival “From our ancestors, from good people…” Our traditions and customs reflect Romanian history and spirituality, are an important element of our cultural identity, and their transmission and promotion are a duty that we all have. We are glad that we had the opportunity to support the organization of the Winter Customs and Traditions Festival “From our ancestors, from good people…”, which brought together 36 bands, with over 1,200 participants. |
18.10.2024 | Gala of the Olympics in Education Education is one of the areas that we always support with love. We were honored and proud to be surrounded on Friday by so many students and teachers who achieved exceptional results in the competitions they participated in and to be able to award their performance! “My parents were teachers and I cannot forget their exhortation from then on: learn, learn, learn. I grew up with these words. I know that this is not a place where I can say these words, because you are the people who have learned and who are learning. In front of you I can only bow and congratulate you”, declared Ovidiu Jitaru. “I am one of those people who greatly appreciate education and I have always said that an educated people is a happy people. I am very glad that these things are happening. The connection between you children, teachers and us who do business is the fact that everything is related to education. Everyone must know how to respect people who learn. It is very important that you, teachers, understand this, because the little ones are just like material that you mold,” said Valeriu Iftime. |
19.08.2024 | Haita Challenge We met again on August 17th with MTB, mountain running and nature enthusiasts at the third edition of the Haita Challenge, an event organized at Haita Land. We experienced dreamscapes, emotions, adrenaline and our colleagues who participated in the duathlon showed super energy and made us feel the joy of victory! |
17.07.2024 | HPM-Pro Mountain Sports We promote exercise, support sports performance and enjoy every time we see the extraordinary results achieved by the teams we support, including HPM – Pro Mountain Sports! |
18.04.2024 | The conferences of the Institute “A. D. Xenopol” The conference series of the Institute “A.D. Xenopol” continues in 2024 in Botoșani and we are glad that we can be with you: 24.04 – The decline of the Ottoman Empire, the Armenian orphanage from Strunga and the Union of Armenians in Romania”; |
10.04.2024 | Drama Club theater group We support culture, education and talented young people and are happy to be with the Drama Club theater group of the National College “A.T. Laurian” which will hold the show Frecvența Liberă, a tribute to Mugur Călinescu, on Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 p.m., at the Casa de Cultură a Tineretului Botoșani. |
08.04.2024 | The Association for Values in Education Education is fundamental for a better future and we are happy support the Association for Values in Education in the Program for the Transformation of Schools in Romania. Together we create the future! |
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06.10.2023 | Gala of the Olympics in Education Education is one of the areas that we always support dearly, being firmly convinced that this is the solution for a better future. We also awarded this year, during the Gala of the Olympics in Education, the performance of students and teachers from Botoșani, of whom we are proud and to whom we wish much success in the future. “I strongly believe, as I say on every occasion, in the power of quality education. I firmly believe that these children who today achieve extraordinary results at the Olympics are the ones who will move things forward in this country, the ones who will build a better Romania. And I also believe that they should not only be appreciated and praised for what they do, but should also be continuously supported in order to grow nicely, to develop their extraordinary capabilities that they have already demonstrated that they have”, said Valeriu Iftime, the president to the Elsaco group of companies. |
22.08.2023 | Haita Challenge We had the opportunity to meet MTB and running enthusiasts again at the second edition of the Haita Challenge event, which took place on August 19-20. Challenging routes, breathtaking landscapes, beautiful and energetic people, that’s how we would sum up the two days full of adrenaline! |
19.06.2023 | We run for blue souls – We run for autism We had the opportunity to support the organization of the third edition of the Alergăm for blue souls – Alergăm for autism charity cross-country event, which took place on June 17 in Poienita Agrotur. |
29.05.2023 | Sara pe Deal The first edition of the “Sara pe Deal” Music Festival, an event that took place on May 26 and 27 in Botoșani, brought to the public quality music, talented artists, and a truly special atmosphere. We are glad that we had the opportunity to support such a spectacular event! |
29.05.2023 | Festival of caricatures and epigrams “CIK Damadian” We are happy to see that Botoşaniul is the host of special events. The third edition of the Festival of Caricatures and Epigrams “CIK Damadian” brought to the public works signed by cartoonists from Armenia, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Iran, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Palestine, Peru, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Syria, Thailand, Ukraine and Uruguay. We were honored to support this festival and to have Costel Pătrășcan with us, in a commented cartoon show. |
08.05.2023 | The conferences of the Institute “A.D. Xenopol” in Botoșani” We support the series of events: “From universal history to local history. The conferences of the Institute “A.D. Xenopol” in Botoșani”, initiated by the Institute of History “A.D. Xenopol” from the Romanian Academy. The conferences addressed topics such as: – 19.04.2023 “The community of Armenians from Botoșani and the Armenian genocide”; – 05.05.2023 “Propaganda and identity on the Romanian-Soviet border after the Second World War”. |
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15.09.2022 | Excellence in Education Gala We support the performance in education and we are glad that we were able to contribute to awarding the students from Botoșani who achieved outstanding results at the Olympics and national competitions, in the 2021-2022 school year. 30 students from educational units from Botoșani county and 24 teaching staff who prepared them for the Olympiad stood out with results at the national Olympics. |
22.08.2022 | Haita MTB We were happy to support the first edition of the Haita MTB marathon, an event that brought together MTB, hiking and nature enthusiasts. The competition took place at Haita Land on August 20. |
20.06.2022 | Poesis international We promote the cultural domain and we are glad that we were able to support the publication of 29th issue of Poesis international magazine. |
11.05.2022 | Botoșani Sports Program High School We support performance in the sports field and we are happy to see that the young people we support get such beautiful results! Albert Munteanu, a student of the Sports Program High School from Botoșani, ranked first, in juniors, at the National Half Marathon Championship, an event that took place between May 7-8, 2022. |
16.04.2022 | Book launch: In the eye of the Cyclone We were honored to be able to support the launch in Botoșani of Constantin Boștină’s book: “In the eye of the cyclone. I was Nicolae Ceaușescu’s personal secretary”, an event that took place in the presence of the two authors: Alice Barbu and Sorin Roșca Stănescu. How would we describe the event? Unprecedented revelations, a sparkling dialogue, a special experience. |
16.04.2022 | Zonal tournament of the National School Sports Olympics We support sports and performance in this field and last weekend gave us the opportunity to award the winners of the zonal tournament of the National School Sports Olympics, in high school football. The competition was organized by the Botoșani County School Inspectorate. |
30.03.2022 | Gymnasium School no. 1 Leorda, Botoșani Progress and performance are only possible through education. We are glad that we were able to support the educational process by sponsoring the preparatory class and the first class from the Gymnasium School no. 1 Leorda, Botoșani with magnetic blackboards and flipcharts. The joy of children is priceless. |
21.03.2022 | Cornișa Cup in Women’s Football The Cornișa Cup in Women’s Football took place on March 19 and 20 at Cornișa Aqua Park & Sports. The competition lined up teams from three age groups: primary school, middle school and high school. For the high school teams category, the prizes of the teams ranked I, II and III were offered by the company Elsaco Electronic and the football club FC Botoșani. We encourage movement and athletic performance! |
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15.12.2021 | Poesis International We promote the cultural domain and we are glad that we were able to support the publication of 28th issue of Poesis International magazine. |
28.09.2021 | Every Can Counts The #EveryCanCounts aluminum dose collection and recycling program is run by Elsaco Electronic, giving employees access to a collection system and the opportunity to help capitalize on resources. We congratulate for the involvement the 75 employees from the two offices in Botoșani County who collected over 570 doses during this year. |
22.08.2021 |
Concerts on Siret
12.08.2021 |
The “Monument Ambulance” arrived at Curt’s Church
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02.04.2020 | Vlad Darie – BJJ Champion We need examples, hope, stories to motivate us. One such example is Vlad Darie, who through hard work and perseverance reached the world top in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the blue belt, in his age category. His story in the field of BJJ started in 2016 and, as Vlad says, “it is a sport which after trying it you have two options: either you never come again, or you never stop”. Since then, the medals have comed one after the other, whether we are talking about national championships, European championships, competitions in Paris, London, Zurich, Munich, Rome, Dublin, Budapest, Madrid, Amsterdam, Las Vegas and the list goes on. We like the stories of the champions and we are proud when we can support them. Good luck, Vlad!
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22.10.2019 | Les Films de Cannes à Botoșani
The first edition of Les Films de Cannes à Botoșani, an event that took place between October 20 and 22, brought us wonderful experiences, very interesting stories and many smiles.
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13.10.2018 | The Centenary of the Romanian Film at Botoșani
The Centenary of the Romanian Film Caravan arrived at Botosani on October 13 and 14 at Unirea Cinema. Special guests of the event were the film critic Irina-Margareta Nistor and Botoşani’s actor Vlad Ivanov. During the event, ran the movies Câinii, directed by Bogdan Mirica and Cristian Mungiu’s Amintiri din Epoca de Aur 2 : Dragoste în timpul liber.
25.03.2018 | Cyber Hawks at First Tech Challenge
We were proud to support for the second consecutive year the participation of a team of students from the “Mihai Eminescu” National College from Botoșani in the National Robotics Championship – First Tech Challenge. |
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05.12.2017 | The Different Week
Our colleagues from Botosani were delighted to receive on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, the visit of the 12th grade students with the specializations of Electrician and Technician in Automation from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical College, during the Different Week. |
26.10.2017 | Elsaco and #TOGETHER4EU
We’have proudly supported the project #TOGETHER4EU, a symbol of the approach that European citizens expect from their leaders. Several children in Romania have worked for several months to make the most beautiful masks of the members of the European Council!
18.09.2017 | Elsaco supports horse riding
Horse riding is one of the noblest forms of sport and Elsaco had the opportunity to be among the supporters of the largest equestrian competition in Romania, Herneacova International Jumping. The event takes place in Herneacova on September 13-24.
15.09.2017 | Elsaco supports the protection of the cultural and natural heritage of Botoșani county
The past is our most valuable possession, it defines our present, and when it comes to protecting it, we should not remain indifferent.
13.06.2017 | The winners of the “Future entrepreneur” competition, visited Elsaco
We were glad to receive, at our headquarters in Botoșani, the members of the Studio High, students of “Mihai Eminescu” National College. The team ranked second in the “Future Entrepreneur” competition, which took place on 07.06.2017 at “Mihai Eminescu” National College. |
Elsaco supports education and performance in various fields, and this time chosed to support the participation of the Robotics Botoșani team, from the “Mihai Eminescu” National College, to the “BRD FIRST TECH CHALLENGE ROMANIA POWERED BY VODAFONE”, the largest national robotics championship for high schools, which will take place between March 25-26 at Sala Polivalentă in Bucharest. |
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08.10.2016 | Tournament A – “Autumn Cup” at table tennis
Saturday, October 8 2016, in Botoșani took place the A Tournament – “Autumn Cup” at |
27.05.2016 | The Gala Projection of the movie “Bacalaureat” at Botoșani
The film director Cristian Mungiu, winner of the Palme d’Or trophy, and the actors Lia Bugnar and Vlad Ivanov attended, together with the Botoșani audiene, at the screening of “Bacalaureat”. The event, dedicated to the movie lovers from Botoşani, was hosted by the Cinema Unirea on the 27th of May when there were scheduled two screenings of the film, from 16:00 or 19:00 and a press conference, a public debate and an autograph session.
21.04.2016 | Drawing and photography exhibition “Water is life – every drop counts! Strop’s story – Drop of water. Help Drop save the Earth! ‘ Vestra, in collaboration with Aries Water Company, organized the drawing and photo exhibition “Water is life – every drop counts! Strop’s story – Drop of water. Help Drop save the Earth.” In the exhibition were presented drawings and photographs of the participants of the contest with the theme of water, students of classes I-XII in Turda and Câmpia Turzii. At the event were awarded 90 students whose drawings and photographs were selected for the final competition. The winners of the five awards, which consist of a 5 day camp at Cai de Vis Guesthouse, in the locality Vârfu Câmpului (Botoșani County) are: Drawing contest “Strop’s story – Drop of water. Help Drop save the Earth!”
Photo contest
21.04.2016 | The “Know more, to be better!” Program – 2016 Edition Elsaco received the visits of students both in Botosani and Oradea in the week 18 to 22 April 2016, under the “Know more, to be better” Program. So, our colleagues from Oradea learned the story of Raul, an 8 year old boy, passionate about power plants and in Botoșani we were visited by pupils of XI and XII grade from the National College “A. T. Laurian”. |
13.04.2016 | Planting action at CET Oradea The Elsaco team, engaged in the cogeneration plant project at Oradea CET, has participated at a planting action. The care for people and for the environment are our priorities in each project. Congratulations to our colleagues ! |
03.02.2016 | Art Exhibition at Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016 at 11:00 in the median lane connecting the Old Departures Terminal and New Departures Terminal of the Bucharest Henri Coandă Airport was held a painting exhibition organized by the Echitart Association with the support Bucharest National Company of Airports, Cai de Vis, Vestra and Generali. The exhibition is open to passengers transiting the air station in Bucharest and the general public until early May 2016. The exhibition is provided by the Echitart Association and Cai de Vis from Botoșani County, the location the hosted in the latest years the camp in which were created the works presented in the exhibition. In December last year, students and postgraduate students of the University of Art and Design in Cluj put their imagination in the game and thus managed to address painting in a unique way. Some of the works from the previous years were also promoted in 2014 at an exhibition organized at Iași airport. |